- Adobe Acrobat Reader (Adobe, Apple Store)
- Bücher (Apple, Apple Support)
- Classroom (Apple, Apple Store)
- Documents (Readdle Inc., Apple Store)
- Excel (Microsoft, Apple Store)
- Fotos (Apple, Apple Support)
- iMovie (Apple, Apple Support)
- Kahoot! Play & Create Quizzes (Kahoot! AS, Apple Store)
- Kalender (Apple)
- Kamera (Apple)
- Keynote (Apple, Apple Support)
- Kontakt (Apple)
- Mail (Apple, Apple Support)
- Mindly (dripgrind Oy, Apple Store)
- Notizen (Apple)
- Numbers (Apple, Apple Support)
- Office Lens (Microsoft, Apple Store)
- OneDrive (Microsoft, Apple Store)
- OneNote (Microsoft, Apple Store)
- Pages (Apple, Apple Support)
- PDF Viewer Pro (PSPDFKit, Apple Store)
- Powerpoint (Microsoft, Apple Store)
- Presenter (Prowise, Apple Store)
- ProConnect (Prowise, Apple Store)
- Safari (Apple, Apple Support)
- Stop Motion Studio (Cateater, Apple Store)
- To-Do (Microsoft, Apple Store)
- Untis Mobile (Untis GmbH, Apple Store)
- Whiteboard (Microsoft, Apple Store)
- Word (Microsoft, Apple Store)
Self Service
- ANTON – Schule – Lernen (Solocode, Apple Store)
- Autodesk SketchBook (Autodesk Inc., Apple Store)
- Bettermarks (bettermarks, Apple Store)
- BERUFE Entdecker HD (Meramo Verlag, Apple Store)
- BiBox (Westermann Digital, Apple Store)
- BiParcours (Bildungspartner NRW, Apple Store)
- CASSY App (LD DIDACTIC, Apple Store)
- dict.cc Wörterbuch (dict.cc, Apple Store)
- Die-Bibel.de (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Apple Store)
- Diercke Atlas (Diercke, Apple Store)
- Game Zone – The Big Challenge (The Big Challenge, Apple Store)
- Garageband (Apple, Apple Support, Apple Store)
- GeoGebra CAS Calculator (International GeoGebra Institute, Apple Store)
- GeoGebra Classic (International GeoGebra Institute, Apple Store)
- GeoGebra Geometrie (International GeoGebra Institute, Apple Store)
- GeoGebra Grafikrechner (International GeoGebra Institute, Apple Store)
- GeoGebra Taschenrechner (International GeoGebra Institute, Apple Store)
- Herder Bibelquiz (Verlag Herder, Apple Store)
- iTunes U (Apple, Apple Store)
- kapiert.de mini (Westermann Gruppe, Apple Store)
- Klett Lernen (Klett, Apple Store)
- LearnEnglish Grammar (UK ed.) (British Council, Apple Store)
- Lightbot : Code Hour (SpriteBox LLC, Apple Store)
- Linder Biologie Glossar (Westermann Digital, Apple Store)
- Lrn – Learn to code in HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ruby & Python (Lrn Labs Inc., Apple Store)
- Makeblock – Play STEM Robots (Makeblock Co., Apple Store)
- mBlock Blockly – STEM education (Makeblock Co., Apple Store)
- Mentimeter (Mentimeter AB, Apple Store)
- Merck Periodensystem (Merck, Apple Store)
- NW ePaper (Zeitungsverlag Neue Westfälische, Apple Store)
- Outlook (Microsoft, Apple Store)
- Padlet (Wallwisher, Apple Store)
- Paper (ehemals FiftyThree) (WeTransfer BV, Apple Store)
- Photomath (Photomath, Apple Store)
- Photoshop Express (Adobe, Apple Store)
- Photoshop Mix-Fotomontagen und Collagen (Adobe, Apple Store)
- Photoshop Sketch (Adobe, Apple Store)
- Physiology Animations (Visible Body, Apple Store)
- PONS Übersetzer (Pons, Apple Store)
- ProConnect (Prowise, Apple Store)
- Qu-control (Allen & Heath Limited, Apple Store)
- Qu-pad (Allen & Heath Limited, Apple Store)
- Qu-you (Allen & Heath Limited, Apple Store)
- Quizlet – Karteikarten lernen (Quizlet, Apple Store)
- ReplayCam – timeshift camera (DreamGarage Inc., Apple Store)
- Scook (Cornelsen Verlag, Apple Store)
- Sternatlas (Escape Velocity Limited, Apple Store)
- Swift Playgrounds (Apple, Apple Store)
- TopShot (Film und Schule NRW, Apple Store)
- Untis Mobile (Untis GmbH, Apple Store)
- Viana Videoanalyse (Freie Universitaet Berlin, Apple Store)
- YouTube (Google, Apple Store)
- Whiteboard (Microsoft, Apple Store)
- Wörterbuch Linguee (Linguee, Apple Store)